MICHAEL HULL: What’s The ‘Doughboy’ Afraid Of?

MICHAEL HULL: What’s The ‘Doughboy’ Afraid Of?

BY MICHAEL HULL It was a just a “courtesy call” not an official state visit! – Sharon Gang, Communications and Marketing Manager for the Capitol Visitor Center. When Ben and Jerry’s ice cream was becoming popular, the company wanted to expand its distribution of products to more stores. In 1984, Häagen-Dazs wanted to limit distribution of […]

Letter to the Editor: Patronage — Alive and Well in Clarkstown

Dear Editor, In our attack on Patronage in Clarkstown, Mr. Savino seems to think that the Clarkstown Taxpayers have orchestrated a politically motivated attack on him. The only political motivation that the Clarkstown Taxpayers have is to rid our town board of the entrenched politicians (think Term Limits) that continue to hand out patronage jobs. […]