NAACP: Now a Partisan Tool?

NAACP: Now a Partisan Tool?

BY STACY SWIMP Legislative report cards that favors some politicians over others are nothing new, but the NAACP’s newest one throws the group’s nonpartisan mandate into question. Every single Republican in the 112th Congress received a failing grade from the NAACP! Of Democrats and the independents who caucus with them, the House score from the […]

Affirmative Action Blazes Out of Control at Obama Justice Department

BY DERRYCK GREEN, Project 21 Attorney General Eric Holder and his band of merry litigators at the U.S. Department of Justice have sued Jacksonville, Florida over its fire department’s promotion testing process. The Obama Administration contends that it discriminates against blacks. Less than a week later, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission sued Jacksonville’s firefighters union […]