Daughter of Tammy Palmer Raising Funds for a Headstone at her Grave

The daughter of the late Tammy Pannirello Palmer is seeking to raise funds for a headstone at her grave site, which also includes the grave of Tammy’s mother.  Tammy Palmer was shot and killed by her father-in-law Eugene Palmer in 2012 in a case that has drawn national attention due to the fact Eugene remains at large and is listed as one of the FBI’s 10 Most Wanted.
Rosemary Palmer told the Rockland County Times, “It’s been very difficult trying to get money for it. I am a single mother and money is tight in my small family … It bothers me and it affects me. People ask where my mom is buried, and they ask why she doesn’t have a headstone. It’s been a very long nine years with no headstone.  It hurts me to go there and see everyone else has a headstone, and she doesn’t have one. She is not properly honored.”
Rosemary is seeking to raise money for the headstone at Mt. Repose Cemetery in Haverstraw through a GoFundMe page https://gofund.me/14d6adc7.  So far she has raised $370 of a minimum $1,500 needed for a headstone.
Rosemary explained the ways she keeps her mother and grandmother’s memory alive. “Just telling stories, I will talk with my family.  My family is very small at this point. All I have left is my grandfather, cousin, aunt and dad. We have pictures around the house, we light candles for them [Tammy and her mother].”
Rosemary has had to deal with her family being in the national spotlight due to the high-profile nature of the case. “In the beginning I didn’t like it. I’m really private. But then it did not bother me because Eugene could be dangerous. He needs to be caught. I never had the thought that someday my grandfather would kill my mother.”
She does not get the feeling the FBI is on the right trail in the case, however. Recently the FBI raided her cousin Jamie Lynn Rose’s house, and they continue to track family members like her father John Palmer, Tammy’s ex-husband.
“I actually was surprised [they raided her house]. That’s the last place I’d expect to find him. Jamie and I are pretty close, and I don’t get the sense she has anything to do with it,” she said.
She also does not suspect her father of aiding Eugene in any way. “I am with my dad every day. I don’t think he would go to that extent. There are times my dad cries and says he misses my mother. I don’t think my dad has anything to do with it.”
Eugene Palmer’s at large status continues to haunt Rosemary. “Part of me thinks he’s still alive, but a part of me doesn’t know. It shakes me up at night as I lay in bed and worry that he might come back and put my family at risk. I have a lot of sleepless nights,” she said.

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