E-cigarettes: The 8/8 Regulations Puffing Their Way to Clarity

The August 8th regulations have been regarded by many in the vaping industry as detrimental to the industry as a whole — and a massive setback to vaping innovation. Many small-scale vape shops, which are now classified as “manufacturers” by the new regulations, are being forced to pay heavy levies and submit to more stringent guidelines. Most face closure, with August 8 being classed as the end of an era for vaping innovation. Our sincerest sympathies are with the families and employees affected.

But are the regulations passed on the 8th a bad thing for all business owners? Pascal Culverhouse, the owner and founder of the Electric Tobacconist (US and UK), reports that “For now, we’re making hay while the sun shines, but we fully expect to see a negative impact when the regulations are fully enforced and all products have to have gone through full FDA testing.

“At this point, there’s a very real risk that we will be selling the same limited number of products as everyone else; at which point all retailers will be doing the same job and it will be tough to differentiate from one to the other!”. Manufacturers such as VUSE e-cigs and blu e-cigs had also rushed new products into production to beat the regulation deadlines.

Two Steps Forward, One Step Back

Many believe e-cigs provide a safer alternative to smoking, to the point that the UK NHS stop smoking advocacy has listed them under the list of stop smoking treatments. They report that e-cigarettes are at least 95% safer than regular cigarettes. The latest FDA regulations seem to suggest they think that the opposite is true.

The regulations appear unjust and unscientific, giving the FDA power over what is approved and what is not. However, there are positives that can come from the regulations, like the ability to now provide clear and concise studies into their short and long-term effects. The regulations provide a standing point for the vaping community to move forward.

Vapor and Aerosol

One of the main problems with past research into e-cigarette vapor and the aerosol effect on the respiratory system is the unknown methods to which these products were tested. Many studies claim to find formaldehyde, a substance produced by combustion, which would not be present under normal vaping equipment limits. Other studies mix vaping groups with smoking groups and claim that the effects are therefore the same.

Whatever way you look at it, there has been terrible research into vapor and aerosol and the effects that both have in the human respiratory tract. How can it be the case that scientists in California are saying that cigarettes are better than vaping, while the NHS and the RCP in England are completely certain that vaping is 95% less harmful than smoking? They can’t both be right.

We’re convinced that the latest regulations will lead to higher quality, unbiased e-cigarette research that will lead the industry forward again.

Nicotine often comes under a lot of negative press due to its association with cigarette smoking; it is addictive and causes people to continue to smoke and potentially consume over 4,000 other harmful chemicals. On its own and in small amounts, however, nicotine has been reported to improve mood and cognitive ability. Similarly to other regularly available drugs like caffeine, in small amounts, nicotine can benefit the human body. Not all e-cigs contain nicotine, however, with a variety of nicotine-free options being available to the consumer.

Like a phoenix, the vaping industry will rise from the ashes and, with the help of new and more reliable scientific research, lead to a brighter future with higher quality products available for everyone.

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