Hibernians Urge Respectful Behavior During St. Patrick’s Parade


For the past 51 years, the men and women of the Rockland County Ancient Order of Hibernians have been pleased to host their annual St. Patrick’s Day Parade, an event that has become a Rockland County institution. The parade celebrates our pride in our Irish heritage, and we take equal pride in it also being an event that has brought in spectators from around the world, state, county, etc., and an opportunity to bring families and friends together in a day of wholesome recognition and celebration of the contributions of Irish Americans to our community and country.

An event such as the Rockland County St. Patrick’s Day Parade which draws tens of thousands of people would be impossible without the hospitality of the Town of Orangetown, the hamlet of Pearl River and the professionalism of its first responders, particularly the Orangetown Police department, who provide a friendly and safe environment for the day’s proceedings. One of the oldest Irish values is the custom of hospitality and the obligation of courtesy and respect that is incumbent on a guest to their host. In keeping with the spirit of the day and the celebration of our heritage, the Parade Committee asks all participants and spectators to honor this venerable Irish tradition and show the proper courtesy and respect to the businesses of Pearl River and to comply with all directions of the Orangetown Police Department, particularly observing regulations on parking and open containers.

The Rockland County Ancient Order of Hibernians ask that all participants remember the true meaning of the day: to celebrate St. Patrick and the generations of Irish Americans who have dedicated and sacrificed themselves for America and not be part of the trivialization of the holiday into the “St. Patty’s Day” image of T-shirt maker and other 21stCentury “Know Nothings” whose only respect of “the green” is the “the green of the till”. Keeping the parade the joyous yet dignified and responsible celebration that the day deserves will help ensure that we can keep this great tradition alive for years to come.

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