D’Agostino Law Firm will be replaced

The law firm of Minerva and D’Agostino will be replaced as attorneys for East Ramapo Central School District as a result of fallout from firm attorney Chris Kirby’s obscene outburst against Peggy Hatton and other district parents.

The firm will continue to receive pay as it assists the district in a transition to other legal representation. Kirby has been removed from the transition process.

Murmurs on social messaging boards have been spreading that the new firm has a relationship with D’Agostino. This rumor is not sitting well with community activists and residents seeking change. The Rockland County Times is seeking more information about these reports.

Approximately 200 persons showed up for a demonstration against Kirby and the law firm, which had been hired in 2009 under controversial circumstances and whose attorneys had butted heads with district residents on several occasions.

Prior to being hired by East Ramapo Minerva and D’Agostino also represented the school district of Lawrence, Long Island. Both Lawrence and East Ramapo school boards are dominated by persons from the ritually observant Jewish community. The firm also has represented districts not dominated by religious communities.