Why the Erosion of Public Trust? Here’s Why

BY DIANE DIMOND If you robbed a bank and got caught, you would go to jail. If you waited in the getaway car while your cohort robbed the bank, you would go to jail as an accomplice, right? Of course you would. That’s what the law mandates. So how come, after a bank stands mute […]

Thank a Cop

BY DIANE DIMOND Not since the days when Wyatt Earp worked the Wild West wearing a badge and a gun has there been such good news for law enforcement. The number of federal, state, local, tribal and territorial officers in the U.S. who died in the line of duty last year dropped to a total […]


To the Editor, It would appear the outgoing Director of the Dept. Of Tourism just refuses to get it. With the taxpayers enduring the last three years of large property tax increases, the Dept. of Tourism is ending 2013 by wasting taxpayer dollars on a fireworks display. The fireworks are not FREE as stated on […]


To the Editor, I enjoyed your predictions for 2014 in your always interesting Rockland County Times. I think 4 through 1 are on target. Did you post #5 just to get a rise out of me? Do you really believe St. Lawrence won’t be indicted!? Here’s my response: The FBI has an embarrassment of riches. […]

A Crime and Justice Wish List for 2014

BY DIANE DIMOND At the top of my Crime and Justice wish list this year is the sincere hope that America finds a way to become a better functioning and more tolerant country. I wish for the lethargy of the electorate and the deterioration of trust and respect — in our government and in each […]

Grant Snowden Amnesty Now

BY DIANE DIMOND As any member of organized crime will tell you, it is best to, “Keep your enemies close to you.” Why no one in the Obama Administration has latched onto that concept while contemplating the Edward Snowden NSA scandal is beyond me. Snowden is, of course, the former National Security Agency computer analyst […]