DIMOND: The State of the Union Has Become Nearly Meaningless

DIMOND: The State of the Union Has Become Nearly Meaningless

BY DIANE DIMOND As a young radio reporter on Capitol Hill, I used to be full of anticipation for the annual State of the Union address. Fresh notebook on hand, I’d dutifully mark the highlights of the speech and plot out what portions to report to the public. My desk under the Capitol dome was […]

New CEO Dr. Geller hits the ground running at Nyack Hospital

New CEO Dr. Geller hits the ground running at Nyack Hospital

He was already a hometown son made good, but after assuming the role of interim CEO of Nyack Hospital in December, it would be fair to say that Dr. Mark Geller’s career has gone to new heights. As the son of another well known Dr. Geller, Nyack Hospital’s new CEO has had the medical profession […]