Supervisor Gromack and Chief Sullivan Announce ‘Only 2 Will Do’ Campaign


Supervisor Alex Gromack and Chief of Police Michael Sullivan have announced a youth sponsored underage drinking initiative called “Only 2 Will Do.”

The “Only 2 Will Do” program is intended to create awareness, legal compliance and partnership with local licensed retailers of alcoholic beverages to require 2 forms of ID in the sale of alcoholic beverages to young people.  The program is led by local high school students in partnership with the Town of Clarkstown, Students against Destructive Decisions (SADD), local School Districts, the Clarkstown Coalition for Youth and CANDLE (Community Awareness Network for a Drug-free Life and Environment).

During the month of February, local students accompanied by police officers and local advocates, will visit local retailers and ask them to participate in the program.  They will ask them to prominently display posters, stickers and handouts at their businesses. These materials, illustrated with artwork created by local students, will put underage customers on notice that they will be asked for 2 forms of identification before they can purchase alcohol products.

The Clarkstown Police Department aggressively enforces laws pertaining to the licensing, sale and distribution of alcohol to minors in the town; however, with the proliferation of fraudulent identification available, including the internet and social networking, legal compliance has become much more difficult for the retailers.

The Town of Clarkstown is also providing “legal age of purchase” calendars to the retailers to place at their registers.  These calendars are designed to “do the math” when determining a person’s age.

“With the cooperation and participation of our local retailers, this initiative underscores the commitment of our community to limit the access, use and abuse of alcoholic beverages by our youth, thereby avoiding the tragic consequences of underage drinking,” said Chief Sullivan.

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