Writer Singer David Wilcox set For July 14 at Turning Point Cafe


Writer and singer David Wilcox will return to Rockland on July 14 to play at Turning Point Café in Piermont.

Speaking about his music, Wilcox explained that he writes from the heart and spoke about his “Reverie” recording, which touches on issues such as obnoxious talk show radio hosts and legislators. One of Wilcox’s recordings in which he laments that bankers and traders have sold us out, is about Occupy Wall Street.

Though he grew up in what he said was a pessimistic family, he claimed that he developed a beautiful vision of life and a better perspective on how to appreciate living through writing and performing music.

“I became musically politically involved many years ago,” says Wilcox. “I work at stuff I believe in and writing for me is a way of life.”

Wilcox was born in Dayton, Ohio and attended Warren Wilson College in Asheville, North Carolina, a school formed by blending a girl’s school and a farm school into one university. He has been playing his guitar since the age of 18 and has travelled a lot, including spending four years in Europe. He currently resides in Asheville.

The last time Turning Point hosted Wilcox was in the 1980’s. He says that he is looking forward to his return on July 14.\

Tickets are available at the Cafe in Piermont.

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